Pre-trade access gives investors price transparency.¹
Ability to determine expected pre-borrow need per regulatory requirements.
Allows investor to request locates based on price or time to optimize strategy.
Clients may leverage our list of multiple inventory providers.²
Full transparency on trades and billing via our direct partnership with our clearing firm.
Dedicated Securities Lending professional with 20+ years of experienced relationships.
Advocates on behalf of the investor to obtain pricing on locates and overnight rates.³
Dedicated Securities Lending desk to assist with trade settlement.
Anticipates customer needs and adds real time liquidity as it becomes available.4
Locate executions will automatically update front-end platforms, allowing orders to be entered with minimal latency.
Access to multiple OMS platforms that support the ability to effortlessly access locates on easy and hard to borrow securities quickly and efficiently.
Automated locate response is typically within seconds with ability to preview, accept or reject prior to trading.5
Proxy to our locates API available for automated strategies.
Consistently upgrading our platform to meet new regulatory requirements to eliminate trading disruptions.
1 Price transparency is based on source data outside of Tradingalpha therefore price and rates are not guaranteed and may change at any time.
2 Tradingalpha inventory is based on a growing number of providers with access to securities for locates and borrows.
3 Some securities may be deemed Hard to Borrow and may carry an additional cost to carry.
4 Tradingalpha does not trade against our investors or “create” inventory in any way.
5 Response time may be longer to obtain locates for very hard-to-borrow securities.